BANDIES - definitie. Wat is BANDIES
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Wat (wie) is BANDIES - definitie

·pl of Bandy.
  • World Championships 2012]]
  • Bandy positions in 3–4–3 formation
  • FIB]] members. Latvia, which was relegated from Division A in 2016, made a late cancellation in 2017.
  • Mongolia]]
  • A bandy pictogram
  • Studenternas Idrottsplats]] in [[Uppsala]], Sweden
  • Bury Fen
  • [[Charles Goodman Tebbutt]] with a bandy stick in 1889
  • [[Clarence von Rosen]] introduced bandy to Sweden
  • Match in [[Leipzig]] between LSC and Berliner Schlittschuh-Klub 1909
  • Referee
  • Bandy team preparing to defend their goal against a corner stroke in 2012.
  • A match in Finland
  • thumb
  • [[Magnus Muhrén]] with a bandy helmet and chinguard
  • Jagers in de Sneeuw]]'', showing bandy being played informally before it became an organized sport
  • WCS 2006]]
  • [[Pim Mulier]] introduced bandy to the Netherlands.
  • Trud Stadium]] in [[Arkhangelsk]]
  • dopty khokkey}}, "ball hockey")
  • Swedish U17 player on a corner stroke
  • Members of the [[Bury Fen Bandy Club]], an English bandy team in 1913
  • Skutskär]] in 2020
Bandy Hockey; Bandy hockey; Bandie; Russian hockey; Bandying; Hockey with ball; Forward (bandy); Winter football; Bandey; Bandee; Bandei; Banndy; Defender (bandy); Midfielder (bandy); History of bandy; Women's bandy; Bandy sticks; Bandy stick; Formation (bandy); Draft:Formation (bandy); Bandy player; Landbandy; Bandy team; Bandy teams
v. (D; tr.) to bandy with (to bandy words with smb.)
  • World Championships 2012]]
  • Bandy positions in 3–4–3 formation
  • FIB]] members. Latvia, which was relegated from Division A in 2016, made a late cancellation in 2017.
  • Mongolia]]
  • A bandy pictogram
  • Studenternas Idrottsplats]] in [[Uppsala]], Sweden
  • Bury Fen
  • [[Charles Goodman Tebbutt]] with a bandy stick in 1889
  • [[Clarence von Rosen]] introduced bandy to Sweden
  • Match in [[Leipzig]] between LSC and Berliner Schlittschuh-Klub 1909
  • Referee
  • Bandy team preparing to defend their goal against a corner stroke in 2012.
  • A match in Finland
  • thumb
  • [[Magnus Muhrén]] with a bandy helmet and chinguard
  • Jagers in de Sneeuw]]'', showing bandy being played informally before it became an organized sport
  • WCS 2006]]
  • [[Pim Mulier]] introduced bandy to the Netherlands.
  • Trud Stadium]] in [[Arkhangelsk]]
  • dopty khokkey}}, "ball hockey")
  • Swedish U17 player on a corner stroke
  • Members of the [[Bury Fen Bandy Club]], an English bandy team in 1913
  • Skutskär]] in 2020
Bandy Hockey; Bandy hockey; Bandie; Russian hockey; Bandying; Hockey with ball; Forward (bandy); Winter football; Bandey; Bandee; Bandei; Banndy; Defender (bandy); Midfielder (bandy); History of bandy; Women's bandy; Bandy sticks; Bandy stick; Formation (bandy); Draft:Formation (bandy); Bandy player; Landbandy; Bandy team; Bandy teams
·vt To beat to and fro, as a ball in playing at bandy.
II. Bandy ·noun A carriage or cart used in India, ·esp. one drawn by bullocks.
III. Bandy ·noun The game played with such a club; hockey; shinney; bandy ball.
IV. Bandy ·vt To toss about, as from man to man; to Agitate.
V. Bandy ·vt To give and receive reciprocally; to Exchange.
VI. Bandy ·noun A club bent at the lower part for striking a ball at play; a hockey stick.
VII. Bandy ·vi To content, as at some game in which each strives to drive the ball his own way.
VIII. Bandy ·adj Bent; crooked; curved laterally, ·esp. with the convex side outward; as, a bandy leg.
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor BANDIES
1. A scan of U.S. newspapers reveals worries that while the charismatic Democratic candidate is very eloquent, there is nothing behind the words he bandies about.
2. It never came to that, but everyone understood the commitment not to make decisions that would even give the appearance that Dean so cavalierly bandies about.
3. To think that younger voters, or indeed those in middle England, are likelier to support him if he listens to modern pop, bandies obscenities on telly or cheers an England goal is a mistake of disastrous proportions.